Great Ideas by Chad Spacey

Welcome to my ideas... This is the place where I will spill out the crazy ideas I have. I have a lot.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Blogger Threatened to be Sued

Today's Great Idea is that everyone in the United States link to Sozialgericht Bremen and keep his position high in google search just to piss off the Sozialgericht Bremen store. Here's a link to the story explaining it better.... Blogger Threatened to be Sued


At 2:49 AM, Blogger alex said...

We may now ask whence the wish fulfilled cialis in the dream originates.. Otto was my favorite; it was lunesta I who really brought him up.. He is neurontin now in a curious swaying attitude.. Abner's card slipped cephalexin from his hand and dropped face up on the floor.. Another letter and another, every one phentermine more flattering and encouraging than the last, almost turned the sober head of our poor master, and warmed up his heart so effectually that he could scarcely attend to his business.. Sanks wouldn't or darsnt' to buspar 'p'int me his dep'ty.. The shadow passed over the atenolol mountain's brow and reappeared far below, a rapidly decreasing blot, flying eastward over the golden green.. After the coachman had rung several times, an Irish girl opened the door, cautiously (as Irish girls always do), and admitted them into the entry, where ciprofloxacin one light only was burning in a branch lamp.. The odd clamor and singulair confusion drew from a saloon near by a group of noisy youngsters, who had been making a night of it.. Why it was unconscious is quite another question which would lead us far away from the answer which, though within my zyprexa knowledge, belongs elsewhere.. As though such a book as lovastatin Hints and Helps had never existed, Abner shot for the gate--he was but a hobbledehoy fascinated with the idea of playing gentleman.. The causal connection between two ideas is either left without presentation, or replaced by two different long portions ativan of dreams one after the other.. Anyways, I've got my carisoprodol opinion and I'll risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.. Buller went home the omnicef next day, because Mr.. The counsel sank down in his seat with plavix the bitter conviction that the jury was manifestly against him, and the case as good as lost...

At 11:21 AM, Blogger alex said...

We may now ask whence the wish fulfilled diazepam in the dream originates.. Otto was my favorite; it was ciprofloxacin I who really brought him up.. He is lexapro now in a curious swaying attitude.. Abner's card slipped valium from his hand and dropped face up on the floor.. Another letter and another, every one phentermine more flattering and encouraging than the last, almost turned the sober head of our poor master, and warmed up his heart so effectually that he could scarcely attend to his business.. Sanks wouldn't or darsnt' to tylenol 'p'int me his dep'ty.. The shadow passed over the calcium mountain's brow and reappeared far below, a rapidly decreasing blot, flying eastward over the golden green.. After the coachman had rung several times, an Irish girl opened the door, cautiously (as Irish girls always do), and admitted them into the entry, where prozac one light only was burning in a branch lamp.. The odd clamor and lithium confusion drew from a saloon near by a group of noisy youngsters, who had been making a night of it.. Why it was unconscious is quite another question which would lead us far away from the answer which, though within my potassium knowledge, belongs elsewhere.. As though such a book as aspirin Hints and Helps had never existed, Abner shot for the gate--he was but a hobbledehoy fascinated with the idea of playing gentleman.. The causal connection between two ideas is either left without presentation, or replaced by two different long portions aspirin of dreams one after the other.. Anyways, I've got my digoxin opinion and I'll risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.. Buller went home the glucophage next day, because Mr.. The counsel sank down in his seat with carisoprodol the bitter conviction that the jury was manifestly against him, and the case as good as lost...

At 7:57 PM, Blogger alex said...

We may now ask whence the wish fulfilled vioxx in the dream originates.. Otto was my favorite; it was ultram I who really brought him up.. He is soma now in a curious swaying attitude.. Abner's card slipped levitra from his hand and dropped face up on the floor.. Another letter and another, every one ibuprofen more flattering and encouraging than the last, almost turned the sober head of our poor master, and warmed up his heart so effectually that he could scarcely attend to his business.. Sanks wouldn't or darsnt' to hydrocodone 'p'int me his dep'ty.. The shadow passed over the lithium mountain's brow and reappeared far below, a rapidly decreasing blot, flying eastward over the golden green.. After the coachman had rung several times, an Irish girl opened the door, cautiously (as Irish girls always do), and admitted them into the entry, where percocet one light only was burning in a branch lamp.. The odd clamor and thyroid confusion drew from a saloon near by a group of noisy youngsters, who had been making a night of it.. Why it was unconscious is quite another question which would lead us far away from the answer which, though within my fioricet knowledge, belongs elsewhere.. As though such a book as celexa Hints and Helps had never existed, Abner shot for the gate--he was but a hobbledehoy fascinated with the idea of playing gentleman.. The causal connection between two ideas is either left without presentation, or replaced by two different long portions keppra of dreams one after the other.. Anyways, I've got my estradiol opinion and I'll risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.. Buller went home the thyroid next day, because Mr.. The counsel sank down in his seat with protonix the bitter conviction that the jury was manifestly against him, and the case as good as lost...

At 12:56 AM, Blogger alex said...

We may now ask whence the wish fulfilled vicodin in the dream originates.. Otto was my favorite; it was lidocaine I who really brought him up.. He is nexium now in a curious swaying attitude.. Abner's card slipped cialis from his hand and dropped face up on the floor.. Another letter and another, every one valtrex more flattering and encouraging than the last, almost turned the sober head of our poor master, and warmed up his heart so effectually that he could scarcely attend to his business.. Sanks wouldn't or darsnt' to codeine 'p'int me his dep'ty.. The shadow passed over the metformin mountain's brow and reappeared far below, a rapidly decreasing blot, flying eastward over the golden green.. After the coachman had rung several times, an Irish girl opened the door, cautiously (as Irish girls always do), and admitted them into the entry, where lamictal one light only was burning in a branch lamp.. The odd clamor and zyprexa confusion drew from a saloon near by a group of noisy youngsters, who had been making a night of it.. Why it was unconscious is quite another question which would lead us far away from the answer which, though within my voltaren knowledge, belongs elsewhere.. As though such a book as magnesium Hints and Helps had never existed, Abner shot for the gate--he was but a hobbledehoy fascinated with the idea of playing gentleman.. The causal connection between two ideas is either left without presentation, or replaced by two different long portions flonase of dreams one after the other.. Anyways, I've got my prozac opinion and I'll risk forty dollars that he can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.. Buller went home the oxycodone next day, because Mr.. The counsel sank down in his seat with spironolactone the bitter conviction that the jury was manifestly against him, and the case as good as lost...

At 4:23 PM, Blogger alex said...

At 1:08 AM, Blogger alex said...

Not the second floor front suite! he exclaimed.. He says to himself, It is too late now; when you get there it will be half-past twelve...


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