Great Ideas by Chad Spacey

Welcome to my ideas... This is the place where I will spill out the crazy ideas I have. I have a lot.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Blogger Threatened to be Sued

Today's Great Idea is that everyone in the United States link to Sozialgericht Bremen and keep his position high in google search just to piss off the Sozialgericht Bremen store. Here's a link to the story explaining it better.... Blogger Threatened to be Sued

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Podcast Radios

With my laptop by my side I can drive down almost any given residential street and find a wireless connection. Depending on the level of security I most often can logon to the internet and surf. This got me thinking… I use iTunes to subscribe and download Podcasts. Podcasts are kind of like radio programs but instead of receiving the music or talk shows from the radio waves you download them from the internet. These downloads are great because you can listen to them whenever you like, unlike radio where you listen as you go.

So the great idea is this, a car radio with built-in wireless. As you drive around the car radio would pick up wireless signals and download the Podcasts you have subscribed to.

This car radio would obviously need more than just wireless. So the solution would be all in the face plate.

This car radio face plate would also be a portable MP3 player and could plug into a computer through USB. Using your favorite PC / Mac media app you would load up the player. Also using your media app you would subscribe to Podcasts.

Podcasts are uploaded on to servers at different time according to the shows schedules. So if you were on the road or walking around the block and found a wireless connection you could start down a Podcast instead of always having to connect to the PC / Mac.

Another feature you may consider for a car radio portable MP3 player with wireless would be voice recognition and an email reader. While you are driving around the player could say, “You have connection” where after that you could download a Podcast or have it grab your email. Later you could have the voice read your email or listen to your Podcasts.

Outside Volume Control

Noise canceling headphones are great. These headphones work best with outside noises like airplane engines and leaf blower type sounds. Some headphones have a volume devise attached to the cables so you could turn up and down the music.

I find ideas come from problems. Necessity in the mother of invention, I tell you. The problem is this, when you are riding in a car being anti-social listening to your music an interesting conversation always starts up. If you want to join in you have to pause your music and remove your headphones and jump in. Then it stops and you can listen to your music again. While listening you look around and see others talking. Sometimes it looks like someone has asked you a question or is talking about you and again you have to pause your music and remove the headphones.

My idea is this, an outside volume control so you could turn up or down the outside sounds. The noise canceling headphones use microphones to cancel the outside noise maybe they could also be used to turn up the outside noise in the event you want to listen to conversation without pausing the music.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Video Podcast Agent

The Video Podcast Agent

There is already a trend in the uploading and sharing home videos on to sites like,, Google Video and Podcasts are plentiful and Video Podcasts are on the new frontier of the ipTV trend but bandwidth can be expensive. I have a new idea to solve the expensive bandwidth problem and make money with Video Podcasts.

In the late 1990’s there were a few new websites that gave people free online email. Sites like, and let early web surfers get there email anywhere they could find an internet connection. This service was free by slipping ads in and around the email space.

Create a Free Video Podcast website (Agent) maybe call it “Free Video Podcast” aka FVP. You would login and upload your Video Podcast to FVP (Agent). FVP would do a lot of the hard work automatically. Work like finding advertisers and submission to iTunes. Download numbers and viewer ratings could be tracked in a similar fashion to As a Video Podcast grows in popularity 30 second ads could be place in the front and ends of the shows. This FVP (Free Video Podcast) website could share the revenues with the Video Podcasters content creators.

DiggNation ( plants ads in the front of their show and DigitalLife ( has ads sandwiched in like show on TV. The FVP website / company could also sell ads across many different Video Podcasts.

The website Free Video Podcast would act as an agent finding advertisers and placing ads in on the Video Podcasts. The agent and content creator would share profit accordingly.

Internet Network Company

Since the networks (NBC, CBS, ABC and FOX) are slow to put content online to download I feel it is time that a new company is formed to create web only television shows. The company could start like Fox did in the 90's with a primetime line up each day consisting of 2 to 3 hours of shows to download. (Fox today has some of the best primetime shows with The Simpsons and 24) The shows would be available to download in the television style. For example a show will “air” or be ready for download at a given time and day then the viewers can download and watch the show at their convenience. The viewers could also subscribe to a show to automatically be downloaded every week. ITunes has created a place to find and download podcasts and vidcasts you can also subscribe so a very similar model exists. Most of these shows are website based, meaning the content comes from a website like CNet News, Slashdot Review and DiggNation. Other shows are stand alones and have websites like and

I feel the podcast/vidcast space is ripe for a new company to form an internet podcast/vidcast network that solely creates news shows, sitcoms, reality shows and other content seen on television but at a higher quality from what is currently on the web now. The value of a company doing this is for cross advertising other shows and bulk ads run across many shows.

Maybe a car, cola, computer, soap, cereal, or other consumer product company will not advertise on a single podcast/vidcast show but maybe they will advertise across a group of shows delivered by a single company. Companies that may look and feel like the old broadcast companies but are really a company of the future.

The realities of podcasts/vidcasts are they will be less expensive than regular television shows. There are three components to podcasts/vidcasts, production, bandwidth and download count. The first two are the expense of making the podcasts/vidcasts and the last one is a rough count of viewers/subscribers. With broadcast/cable television there are more expenses with license airwaves, broadcast fees, they must fill the airwaves with 24 hour content and production costs.

A news show vidcast could be very different from their television/ cable counterparts. Let’s say you want to make a 24 hour news podcast/vidcast. Instead of recycling the news over and over like they do on Fox News or CNN, you can just make updates to news segments. It could be like Today’s News 1.0 and then Today’s News 2.0. The new version is only created when a significant amount of new information is collected and ready to present. Or add a new news story. The viewers to the news show could download only the news they want.

Sell it on Craigslist

Make a pilot of a show in Video Podcast form and sell it of Craigslist. If you have an idea for a TV show you can make a pilot very inexpensively as a Video Podcast show. Then post it online for people to view. After you’ve make the Video Podcast go to Craigslist and sell ad space. Two things will result from this. One, is many people will down load the show and an audience will start to form. If you show is entertaining. The second result is you may find someone or some company that will buy some ad space and help with bandwidth and production costs.

If you do not know what a Video Podcast is please visit my other Blog Video Podcast Review and visit iTunes. ITunes is the best and easiest place to find and download Video Podcasts.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I can smell where you are…

In the future there will be sensors that can smell who you are. Like finger prints and eye scans, each person gives off a smell signal. Although this smell signal can change in degrees the basic smell of a person remains. Right now only dogs have that ability to track by smell but soon small box devices with GPS and cell phones could be used to track people and there movements.

What if there were millions of smell detectors just like there are millions of cheap video cameras every. With video you can lose track of a person and usually people have to be watching all the cameras to follow someone. With smell trackers a computer detects the smell signal and informs authority. Also with video you have to be in front of the camera to be seen. With smell trackers the devise has a full circle range around it.

You can also hide these smell tracks, so people who are being tracked wouldn’t know where the devices are and could not avoid them. Places like the DMV could gather smell information on the actual person and put the smell signal to a real name. Give that smell signal and name a number and start tracking.

This form of tracking people is less intrusive than implanting a GPS locater under their skin. It’s a fun fun future!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

video podcasts to sell a product

Here’s my newest idea, what about QVC or Home Shopping Network in a video podcast. This podcast could have a sales person talk about a product and show the product just like on TV on a cable channel like Home Shopping Network.

How about product video podcasts? Most if not all website that sell products have pictures. What about using video podcasts to sell a product?

On iTunes the podcasts are listed by show and the show have text descriptions. You could sell products in 5 minutes segments under a show title and show product. Along with the show you could add phone numbers and website address to buy the items.

Imagine going to your favorite online store. You see something you like for sale. It has the normal description and the normal picture to go with it but there is something else. What about a link to a video podcast of the product with a person talking and selling the item. What about a short video podcast with someone showing you how to use the product? Maybe how to hook up the product and/or how the product could be useful to you.

I feel this has to be the natural progression of this medium. Maybe even a blend of how things are sold online today with podcasts and video podcasts. Remember when the web started people would use it to send text. Then they started selling products using text. Then came pictures and selling with pictures. Now we have a trend with podcasts and video podcasts and people are making shows and adding commercials. Another thing is the bigger size trend. Like more email storage and faster broadband connections. Movies for years have been selling themselves online using video. I feel just about all product could use some video as a selling tool.

I may just be crazy!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Hanford's new blog

My good friend Hanford Lemoore has entered the world of blogs, please visit him at:

Please also see his websites: this site has a great board called Tiki Central!

And here you can play some great free downloadable games by Hanford himself!


Saturday, November 19, 2005

Texas Three Slot Machine

Texas Three Slot Machine

This great idea is based on slot machines. Fist if you been to a casino lately you will most defiantly have noticed the themed slot machines. These slots, like the star wars slot machine, are geared to attract new generations of gamblers. So my idea is somewhat in that vain.

My idea is the Texas Hold’em Slot machine. It will have a payout chart like most slots and you can play 1 to 4 quarters. There is also slot action with the screen rolling like the normal slot does and stopping to show results. But this slot has a little twist. The first twist is you play and pay in stages. You start with 2 free cards. When you see your cards you pay to see the flop. Then you pay to see the turn. Then you pay more to see the river. Lastly you win or lose according to the pay out chart. You also win at each stage.

Another version of this is to play three different hands at the same time. On this machine you can pay and play 1, 2 or 3 hands to start off. As the play moves on, you decide to keep paying each hand or stop paying. You may decide to play all three hands all the way to the river. The best winning hand pays money but because you were paying for two other hands the winnings are very little and must follow a chart to show payouts. You may decide to play only one of the three hands shown. In this case it is your hand from the beginning to the end against the other two shown hands. There are many different variations to this and different combinations of winning and losing. This is the basics of the idea. I may need to show examples for people to have a better idea of the way this all works.

Texas Hold’em is hot right now and a themed slot based on this could be very attractive to new players to slots machines.

I will post more on this idea…